
When you hear the word “church,” it’s only natural to think about a building; probably one with a steeple or stain glass.  But from the very beginning, the term “church” was intended to describe the people gathering within the building for worship and especially those going outside of the building to do the work of building the eternal Kingdom of God!

The church is made up of many unique and gifted individuals who are called by Christ to live His mission, to move throughout the land spreading His Word and serving those in need. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:27, NIV).

At Northgate Wesleyan Church we encourage each other to find our place and get involved in building the Kingdom of God. Whether a newcomer in the Youth Group or one who has been attending for many years, we ALL have an important place to serve within the “church.”

How about you?  If you are not already a follower of Jesus, I cannot think of a better place for you to come to know Him and begin following Him.  The CHURCH that gathers in the church building at 2405 Carleton Way NE, Salem, Oregon welcomes you!  Come just as you are and experience the joy of knowing Him personally and serving Him.

If you would like to GIVE to Northgate Wesleyan Church, please click on the LINK to safely and conveniently give using Easy Tithe.
